FRM220-MSW404 OAM Managed Carrier Ethernet Switch (NID)
The FRM220-MSW404 is a new generation of carrier grade Ethernet Demarcation Device for business connection and mobile backhaul transportation service delivered by carriers. The FRM220-MSW404 is equipped 4 SFP slots in dual rate 100/1000Base-X and 4 ports 10/100/1000Base-T RJ45 network interfaces. It is designed to enable E-Line, E-LAN, E-Tree services which are CE (Carrier Ethernet) 2.0 compliant for Metro Ethernet network deployments. The FRM220-MSW404 device enables carriers and service providers to delivered SLA-based network service with extensive fault detection and diagnostic capabilities which are compliant with the latest Ethernet OAM standards such as IEEE 802.3ah, IEEE 802.1ag and ITU-T Y.1731. With built-in RFC2544 feature sets, the FRM220-MSW404 also enables the service providers to perform the SLA verification anytime to ensure the quantitative latency, jitter and throughput delivery performance indexes. The CE2.0 compliant functions support EVCs and hierarchical QoS traffic management to enable service providers managing bandwidth and enforce SLA guarantees.