In this 'Spotlight' we feature our products for Carrier Ethernet Services.

Metro Ethernet Switches

The Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) has defined Carrier Ethernet as a ubiquitous, standardized, carrier-class service and network with five attributes that distinguish it from familiar LAN-based Ethernet. These attributes are: Standardised services; Scalability; Reliability; Management and Quality of Service (QoS).

Key Benefits:

  • Scalability as service demand drives: Scalable for the future bandwidth needs, geographic, applications company expansions.

  • Fully Ethernet OAM enabled: Enabling Ethernet OAM features (IEEE 802.3ah/802.1ag/ITU-T Y.1731) to rapidly detect and recover network fault and save the OPEX for operators as well as increase customer satisfaction.

  • MEF standards compliant solution: MEF 9/14/21 compliant product to guarantee the compatibility with other MEF certified equipment and reduce the risk and cost for Metro Ethernet network deployment of operators.

Our Metro Ethernet Solution range includes Ethernet Demarcation Devices (EDD's), that are MEF defined UNI (User Network Interface) solutions from subscriber end (UNI-C) to operator end (UNI-N). The products comply to the MEF defined standards to guarantee interoperability with other MEF certified equipment providers worldwide. Specifically the MSW202 Ethernet Demarcation Device transports Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) traffic over fibre, enabling EPL (Ethernet Private Line) & EVPL (Ethernet Virtual Private Line) services with advanced carrier Ethernet features per MEF-9 and MEF-14 (Metro Ethernet Forum) specifications. While the  MSW-404 series is a new generation of carrier grade Ethernet Demarcation Device (EDD) or NID's for business connection and mobile backhaul transportation service delivered by carriers.

You can find details on all our Carrier Ethernet products by clicking on the relevant links below:

The overall range is further complemented by AMS Managed Gigabit Switches and an extensive portfolio of Carrier Ethernet Services Delivery products from Transition Networks.

Live Demo of FRM220 Chassis

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