OM1 Optical Power Monitor
The OM1 Optical Power Meter constantly monitors the optical power level in a live optical network. It is inserted between the link receiver, or the input of a WDM system, and the dark fibre. Variations of the optical power level are immediately detected and can trigger alarms. The alarm thresholds are individually adapted to the fibre under test. Due to the high resolution, even tight bending of a fibre is detected. Therefore, the OM1 can be used to detect fibre intrusion attacks which use bend couplers to extract light from the fibre for (unauthorized) data monitoring. In principle the extracted light is missing at the far end of the fibre. That missing light is detected. Operators may use the OM1 to provide enhanced services, because an alarm is generated when a fibre is degraded, even before a total failure. The OM1 can be used to relate fibre problems to a certain carrier. For this purpose OM1’s are strategically placed at the exchange point between carriers and at each endpoint. If the level changes at some point in the middle it is quickly determined which section is at fault. Typical applications include permanent monitoring of many fibres in parallel. A shelf can hold 10 modules to monitor 20 fibres simultaneously.