Optical EDFA amplifier
Distances of optical transmission systems can be increased by using optical amplifiers. Three different amplifier types (booster, in-line amplifier and pre-amplifier) can be used depending on the required distance and existing locations. All SPEED amplifiers are capable to transfer up to 80 DWDM wavelengths via a single pair of fibre. Each wavelength supports miscellaneous protocols like SDH, ATM and Ethernet providing and bandwidths (10 Mbps to 100 Gbps). The amplifier can be monitored and configured locally via CLI (Telnet) or through SNMP and Web GUI by using the optionally available management module. Even remote management can be enabled by an in-band OSC channel. All optical SPEED-amplifiers meet laser safety class 1M. The modules are installed in spacesaving housing types (SPEEDCARRIER 4.5U and SPEED-CARRIER 1U/B). Up to 170 km can be accomplished in a point-to-point connection by using a booster at the beginning of the line.