DWDM - 10G Optical Transport System


10G Optical Transport System DWDM platform for 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switching and SDH-Networks

The MICROSENS 10G Dynamic, Multi-Reach Transport system is a next generation optical transport platform that provides DWDM and CWDM on a single system that addresses Metro, Regional, and Long Haul applications. The MICROSENS 10G platform handles rates from 100 Mbps to 40 Gbps and can scale to 100 Gbps. It supports 80 DWDM channels at 10 Gbps. It consists of a 6 U chassis for high density applications and a compact 2 U chassis for low density applications. The platform includes optical multiplexers (Mux/DeMux), reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADM) and optical amplifiers (OA). Mux and DeMux filter modules are designed in a modular fashion to accommodate channel growth without service interruption. The 10G Platform supports a wide variety of services today and the special technology enables it to adapt to meet future service requirements quickly and cost effectively.

Overall Features:

  • Flexible, scalable architecture
  • Highly scalable as you grow with low up front costs
  • Metro, regional and long haul distances up to 2000 km
  • Small footprint – 2 U and 6 U as much as half the size of competitive solutions
  • 80 DWDM channels at 10 Gbps
  • Multiple services over one wavelength

The Product Family includes the following:

  • Chassis

  • Transponders & Repeaters

  • High Speed, Low Speed &  Video TDM's

  • Multiplexers & OADM's

  • Amplifiers

  • Passive Modules

  • XFP's

  • and a Network Management Platform

Example Applications:

10G DWDM Optical Transport System Applications







Live Demo of FRM220 Chassis

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