WDM Solutions Overview
Our Wave Division Multiplexing range covers the S,C, and L-Band wavelengths commonly used in optical fibre systems. From 1471nm to 1611nm for CWDM and 1531nm to 1565nm for DWDM. CWDM is a cost-effective solution for networks requiring fairly high bit rates, and represents a perfect economic and technologic match for metro access and metro core networks. DWDM offers more flexibility and robustness with respect to fibre types and channel counts, but with additional costs due to the tight channel spacing. The key advantages for both CWDM and DWDM are their protocol and bit rate transparency. WDM based networks can transmit data in IP, ATM, SONET/SOH and Ethernet and handle bit rates between 100Mb/s and 10Gb/s (and beyond).